NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Friday, August 28, 2009

Yesterday i gt NWT phase test..
i was late abit..
and i was stuck for awhile..
i do what i can do..
some of it i forget..
but i know i fail..
the test starts at 8am-9.30am,
but i do the test till 11.30am...
i keep doing and doing still can't get it..
then went home to change clothes..
coz at 3pm will be meeting bby...
went to her place to fetch her as she will accompany to go interview at Famous Amos @ Bugis
When we reach there, all the workers are female..
i feel damn odd..
then i change my mind not to interview there..
after that we bought bread@four leaves,sushi@cold storage & laksa@quji..
then we proceed to esplanade to breakfast...
while we otw there , my 2nd bro gf shouted "hello" and rise up her hand..
we were shock a moment...

Today will be going to geylang bazaar at 9pm..
with my future kak ipah,my adeq,my bby and my family...
but have to accompany my bby to go checkup and her bag...
